Friday, April 16, 2010

i always show my appreciation by showing my boobs

I was trolling c-list (that's what cool people like me call craigslist) today when something compelled me to look at this missed connection. I'm not sure why I was drawn to click on it, but I'm pretty happy I did because it is the sequal to the mc I posted about a while back...

Sexy on DuPont Rd - m4w - 40 (Elsmere)

Date: 2010-04-13, 5:07PM EDT

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A few months back in the middle of what seemed like hell, I plowed your driveway. You showed me your breasts in appreciation of my efforts. You made my day. I saw you yesterday morning near your home, you gave me a very flirtatious grin. I would love to continue our little game. I look for you every day. If you are interested in some fun let me know....I am game if you are.

Yes, that's right, he's still looking for her. Except, he's found her again and knows where she lives. "Is that really a missed connection?" you're probably wondering. In his defense yeah, it is. He missed the opportunity to make a "connection" with her boobs when she flashed him, so he's trying to find a way to touch them. Geeze, give the poor guy a break.

I just want to reply to this guy and say "look, it's obvious that this chick is easy. WHY DON'T YOU JUST TALK TO HER." Perhaps he could start the conversation by mentioning something about her breasts. Something like "Hey, I think you have a perfect boob to nipple size ratio." Or maybe even "You know, I didn't really get a good look at those babies when I was plowing. Mind if I take another gander, maybe even give 'em a squeeze or two. Oh yeah how about I take you to Denny's too for a nice dinner." Or he could even use the classic i'll show you mine...

Now I don't want to be judgy or anything, but I'm fairly certain it will not be too hard for him to see her boobs again. I'm also certain she has an upper-boob tattoo (sometimes you just know these things), which he could ask to see. I have a hunch that he might not even have to ask to see 'em again if he drives by on a hot summer day--yes, what I'm getting at here is I subject Miss Thang suns topless in her yard on the days she doesn't hit the tanning salon (how else could she keep her lovely complexion?).

However, maybe our "gentleman" poster is a bit shy, so let me offer him some more advice on how to go about additional boob sightings/perhaps advance to touchings. If she showed her boobs "in appreciation" for plowing the driveway, maybe he should just knock on her door and offer to do other household tasks such as polish her floor, steam her carpet, change a few light bulbs, or polish her stripper pole. Surely one of those tasks will equate to some more "appreciation." I wonder what cleaning the gutters would get him?

In conclusion, I would like to discuss "the game" Mr. poster would like to continue to play. WHAT GAME? The I-drive-by-your-house-everyday-like-a-stalker-in-hopes-you'll-show-me-your-boobies-again game? Oh yeah, I love that game. I play it all the time; it's almost as good as Monopoly.

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