Thursday, February 25, 2010

craigslist missed connections

Perhaps this is the second best craigslist "missed connection" I have ever seen. Only in Delaware?

I Plowed Your Driveway You Showed Me Your Tits - m4w (NCC)

Date: 2010-02-18, 3:25PM EST

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Well the headline says it all...It was early Sunday morning you were shoveling an enormous pile of snow. I plowed you out and was amazed at how sexy you were. As I finished and to my complete amazement you lifted up your sweatshirt to expose two perfect breasts. Your smile has been on my mind since then. I can't wait for it to snow again so I can see you again....

•Location: NCC
•it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1606929327

Ahhh where to begin...The first thing I would like to say re: this ad is that I really, really wish I had seen this happen. I am dying to know what this woman looks like--dying to know. The dude who wrote the ad is easy to imagine; obviously a Larry the Cable Guy look alike. The "sexy" lady however, is perhaps, a bit more difficult. There are two things we need to keep in mind when constructing her image: 1. we are talking about a woman who voluntarily showed her boobs to a stranger during a snowstorm and 2. "sexy" is in the eye of the beholder. That being said, I am fairly confident in saying this woman has all of the following traits: bleached blond, stringy, wavy hair with major roots showing, heavy blue eyeliner, a smoker's voice, an orangish complexion with heavy pancake foundation, a fairy tattoo, and some rampant STD. I think the ad poster neglected to mention that she was wearing a sweatshirt with Tweety Bird on it, acid washed jeans, and chunky high-healed, black boots.

My favorite part of this posting is the ending, "your smile has been on my mind since then." Come on, is it really her smile he can't stop thinking of? Yeah I'm about 97% confident this gentleman would not have posted this ad if our lady friend had simply smiled at him. Ladies, let this be a lesson: if you really want to get noticed by a man, show him your boobies, and he will remember your smile.


  1. Tell us about the best craigslist posting ever, please.

  2. That sounds like the guy I dated while I was at Winterthur...hmmm
